Thursday, May 29, 2014

Einstein -- the greatest! Professor Bartocci review (plus clarification) of book about Olinto De Pretto

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I am Michael Falotico, an attorney.  Years ago I wrote a review of an Italian book by Professor Umberto Bartocci about an early 20th century Italian physicist, Olinto De Pretto.  In that book it was theorized that De Pretto was a true precursor of Albert Einstein.  The book purported to show that the famous equation “E=mc2” was published by De Pretto first.  The science is complicated and, indeed, over my head.  Yet, it seemed pretty clear that Professor Bartocci was on to something.  Since the first publication of his book, Professor Bartocci has issued a clarification  (in Italian) found here:

In light of this clarification, it can only be safe to say that the precursor status of De Pretto is more murky than originally thought. 
I do believe, however, that considerable more research needs to be done on Albert Einstein and his Italian connections, which are deep.  In this way, light may possibly be shed on where his astonishing ideas originated.
May I also say that I am in no way responsible for the reposting of my review of Professor Bartocci’s book, which has appeared on some website which I disapprove. 

Finally, for the record, there can be no question that Einstein was a brilliant, brilliant man, perhaps the smartest person of all time.  He was also, I believe, the greatest person of the 20th century and one of the greatest, wisest persons of all time.  I admire him deeply and I am in awe of his genius.  I wrote my review only to encourage further delving into where his fantastic ideas originated.  
 Could Einstein really have done so much? Where did his ideas come from? What did he read? What did his first wife do to help his work, if anything?
I pose the issue, “Is it really possible for one human being to have been this smart?” It seems so staggering that it is understandable one could have doubts.  But as evidence accumulates, these doubts dissipate.

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